The Book of Genesis

Adam, Noah, & the Table of Families/Nations

Creation Account Genesis 1:1-2:3

This section describes the creation of the world and everything in it over six days, culminating in the creation of humanity on the sixth day. It emphasizes God's role as the Creator and the orderliness of creation.

The Story of Adam and Eve Genesis 2:4-3:24

This section provides a more detailed account of the creation of Adam and Eve, their life in the Garden of Eden, their disobedience, and their expulsion from the Garden. It introduces the concept of sin and its consequences.

Genealogies Genesis 4:1-5:32

Genesis includes genealogical records tracing the lineage from Adam to Noah, showcasing the genealogy of key figures in early human history.

Noah and the Flood Genesis 6:1-9:29

This section narrates the story of Noah, the building of the ark, and the great flood that wiped out humanity and most of the animals. It also contains the covenant between God and Noah symbolized by the rainbow.

The Table of Nations Genesis 10:1-11:9

This section provides a list of the descendants of Noah's sons and describes the dispersion of languages and the origin of different nations after the people's attempt to build the Tower of Babel.

The Life of Abraham Genesis 11:27-25:18

Introduction to Abraham and his family Genesis 11:27-32).
God's call to Abraham and the promise of a great nation Genesis 12).
Abraham's travels, encounters, and interactions with various people Genesis 13-21).
The birth of Isaac and the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael Genesis 21).
The binding of Isaac Genesis 22).
The death and burial of Sarah Genesis 23).
The search for a wife for Isaac Genesis 24).
The death and burial of Abraham Genesis 25:1-11).

The Life of Isaac Genesis 25:19-26:35

The birth of Esau and Jacob, and their early years Genesis 25:19-34).
Isaac's deception regarding his wife Rebekah Genesis 26).

The Life of Jacob Genesis 27-36

Jacob's deception and obtaining of the birthright and blessing Genesis 27).
Jacob's journey to Haran and his encounters along the way Genesis 28-33).
Jacob's reconciliation with Esau Genesis 33).
The rape of Jacob's daughter Dinah Genesis 34).
God's renewal of the covenant with Jacob Genesis 35).
The death and burial of Isaac Genesis 35:27-29).
The genealogy of Esau Genesis 36).

The Story of Joseph

Joseph's Early Life and Dreams Genesis 37

Introduction to Joseph, Jacob's favoritism, and his dreams of ruling over his brothers.
Joseph's brothers' jealousy and their decision to sell him into slavery.

Joseph in Egypt Genesis 38-41

A brief interlude in the story to focus on the story of Judah and Tamar Genesis 38).
Joseph's experiences as a slave in Egypt and his rise to prominence in Potiphar's house.
Joseph's unjust imprisonment and his interpretation of dreams in prison.
Pharaoh's dreams and Joseph's interpretation, which lead to his appointment as a high-ranking official in Egypt.

Reconciliation and Reunion Genesis 42-45

Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to buy grain during a famine.
Joseph's interactions with his brothers, who do not recognize him.
Joseph's plan to test his brothers and his eventual revelation of his identity.
Reconciliation and the reunion of Joseph with his family.

Jacob's Relocation to Egypt Genesis 46-47

Jacob and his family's journey to Egypt at Joseph's invitation.
Jacob's encounter with God at Beersheba.
Joseph's introduction of his family to Pharaoh and their settlement in the land of Goshen.
The family's prosperity in Egypt during the famine.

Jacob's Blessings and Death Genesis 48-49

Jacob's blessings and adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph's sons.
Jacob's prophetic blessings and predictions concerning his sons.
Jacob's death and burial in the land of Canaan.

Joseph's Final Days and Death Genesis 50

The death of Jacob and Joseph's actions regarding his father's burial.
Joseph's reassurance of his brothers and the continuation of their reconciliation.
Joseph's death and the promise to carry his bones back to the land of Canaan.